Lactation Support

Fun Fact- The Average International Age for Nursing is 4 years old! Human Milk is Tailored Specifically to that Baby/ Child. Human Milk adapts and changes to compensate for varying nutritional and immunological needs.


Fun Fact- The Average International Age for Nursing is 4 years old! Human Milk is Tailored Specifically to that Baby/ Child. Human Milk adapts and changes to compensate for varying nutritional and immunological needs. ::

Why use a lactation specialist when I have my Dr/ OB/ Midwife?
As your lactation specialist I support the mama-baby dyad (pair), I have worked specifically in lactation for over a decade and have immense training (over 1,000 hrs in clinical hands on lactation) and education. But I am also a mama and I get it! I’m not your doctor, but a warm and loving source of support and compassionate care. I adore helping mamas and babies during this critical time of bonding and growth!

Call me today for a free 30 minute consultation to see how I can best support your journey!

Lactation, Nursing, Chest Feeding …

Feeding your baby, making milk and loving your journey— I am awe struck with the power of the female body- not only did we create a human (or two or three), but we also create a complete and ever changing food source, too!

The process is incredible, but oftentimes there are challenges.

Over the past decade plus, I have helped hundreds of mamas, babies, & families with their milk making/ lactation journey.

I can help you as well!

Pregnant and not sure where to begin? Heard horror stories of breast infections, pain, over supply, not making enough milk…

I know how you feel! There isn’t enough support or education.

That’s where I come in- I am a mama of two, I am an Internationally Certified Lactation Specialist and have the tools and the decade plus experience to help!

You are not alone, I will help! I offer (self paced and personalized) lactation classes and lactation consultations - you will feel prepared and confident in your lactation journey!!

Let’s work together to make your breastfeeding experience as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

Is it painful when your baby latches?

Are you unsure if they’re getting enough milk?

Are you having breast or nipple pain with latching or using a pump?

Whether this is your first or your fifth, I can help get a strong and comfortable latch! You deserve to be supported- I am here to help!

You don’t have to do it alone.

I’m here to help you and your baby thrive with personalized, compassionate support, all in the comfort of your home.

As your Lactation Specialist, I Offer:

  • One-on-One Consultations: Tailored advice and support for breastfeeding challenges.

  • Lactation Education: Guidance on techniques, positions, and managing milk supply.

  • Postpartum Support: Help with latch issues, sore nipples, and establishing a successful breastfeeding routine.

  • Emotional Reassurance: Understanding and encouragement to build your confidence.

  • A Solid Working Plan: You will leave our appointment knowing just what to do and how to do it. The guess work will be over.

  • You will have less Worry & more Time to Bond with your Baby!
