Lactation Classes & Consultations

Lactation Classes

How to ensure you are making the right amount of milk for your baby/ toddler?

Does pumping hurt? How does the vacuum thing not suck your nipples off?

What happens when my baby teethes? Will they bite me?

What do I do when I need to leave my baby/ go back to work?

How and when do we introduce solid foods?

All of this and more is answered within my fun, easy to digest and engaging lactation courses taught to you by your personal IBCLC, Anna! Preparation is everything- making milk is amazing-

you deserve to be knowledgable and prepared!!

* within a 10-mile radius of 80212. For locations beyond this area, a travel fee of $35 will be added for every additional 10 miles.


  • In this hybrid course, you will learn basics of breastfeeding!

    Through self paced videos, you will learn:

    • How to ensure you will make enough milk

    • How to know if your baby is gaining well

    • How to keep the milk flowing

    • How to avoid common complications (and what to do if you encounter them).

    • And much more!

    You will feel prepared to welcome your new babe and start off on your lactation journey strong!

    This course includes a 30 min live one-on-one consultation with your IBCLC, Anna of Sacred Mama Denver.

  • In this hybrid course, you will learn basics of using an electronic or manual breast pump!

    Through self paced videos, you will learn:

    • How to ensure you will make enough milk

    • How to know if your baby is gaining well

    • How to keep the milk flowing

    • How to avoid common complications when pumping

    • How to properly store your milk and clean pumping parts

    • How to ease the separation between mama and baby

    • What gear you need

    • And much more!

    You will feel prepared to begin your pumping journey, while maintaining your milk supply and your sanity.

    This course includes a 30 min live one-on-one consultation with your IBCLC, Anna of Sacred Mama Denver.

  • In this hybrid course, you will learn how to gently wean your little one!

    Through self paced videos, you will learn:

    • What does the weaning process look like

    • How to wean gently- avoiding frustration and hurt feelings

    • How to introduce solids/ first foods.

    • How to ensure your toddler is eating a healthy and varied diet

    • what to do if you were not ready to wean- when the mama is having mixed feelings about weaning

    • And much more!

    You will feel prepared to welcome the new stage of solid foods and establish healthy eating habits for your little one.

    This course includes a 30 min live one-on-one consultation with your IBCLC, Anna of Sacred Mama Denver.

  • Bundle all three lactation classes and save!!

    You will receive via self-paced courses:

    • Basics of Breastfeeding

    • Pumping 101, and

    • Weaning with Love

      $150 value!

    You will feel prepared and confident from birth through your baby's first year.

    This course bundle includes a 30 min live one-on-one consultation with your IBCLC, Anna of Sacred Mama Denver.

  • In this fully personalizable, live 2.5 hr lactation course, you will learn everything hands on to ensure your strongest breastfeeding, pumping and weaning journey-

    You will receive everything you need to be prepared from birth through the toddler years!

    • How to ensure you will make enough milk

    • How to know if your baby is gaining well

    • How to keep the milk flowing

    • How to avoid common complications (and what to do if you encounter them).

    • How to avoid common complications when pumping

    • How to properly store your milk and clean pumping parts

    • How to ease the separation between mama and baby

    • What pumping gear you need

    • What does the weaning process look like

    • How to wean gently- avoiding frustration and hurt feelings

    • How to introduce solids/ first foods

    • How to ensure your toddler is eating a healthy and varied diet

    • What to do if you are not ready to wean

    • Lactation during Pregnancy

    • Tandem nursing basics (nursing toddler and baby)

    • And much more!

    You will feel prepared to welcome your new babe and start off on your lactation journey strong!

    This course includes is a 2.5hr live one-on-one with your IBCLC, Anna of Sacred Mama Denver. You will be able to ask questions and be fully prepared and confident.

    Included in this package is lifetime access to all of the self-paced learning materials from the hybrid courses. Great choice for a refresh through the months and years.

Lactation Consultation

Are you having issues with Latch?

Are you exclusively Pumping?

Do you need help maintain, reducing or increasing your milk supply? Are nursing sessions painful?

Are you and or your baby feeling frustrated?

I've had the privilege of helping hundreds of mamas and babies navigate and overcome challenges in their lactation journeys. I'll work with you to achieve a comfortable latch; reduce discomfort and heal any damage. Additionally, I'll assist with positioning to ensure your entire body is supported and relaxed. My goal is to help you feel confident and assured that you're doing what's best for both yourself and your baby.

In home Consultations*

  • Our initial consultation is typically a 90- 120 min appointment.

    During our session, I will listen carefully to your concerns and address any feeding issues you may be facing. You’ll have the time and space to be heard, understood, and to ask any questions you might have.

    I will take a full health history for mama (and baby), noting recent pregnancy, birth, and any previous breastfeeding/ lactation history.

    During our session, I will:

    • Weigh your baby before feeding and after feeding to asses milk transfer

    • Observe your baby feeding at the breast/ bottle

    • Suggest position changes that will improve baby's latch and your comfort as needed

    • Examine your baby's mouth to assess oral motor function

    • Provide you with a personalized care plan that addresses your goals and assessments made during our session

    Our session also includes a follow up email/ call where I will check in on any progress or concerns that may be occurring.

  • Follow up consultations are typically a 90 min appointment

    During our session, I will listen carefully to your concerns and address any feeding issues you may be facing. You’ll have the time and space to be heard, understood, and to ask any questions you might have.

    I will review your health history for mama (and baby), noting any changes to breastfeeding/ lactation since our previous visit..

    Together we will asses our previous goals, making amendments as needed.

    During our session, I will:

    • Weigh your baby before feeding and after feeding to asses milk transfer

    • Observe your baby feeding at the breast/ bottle

    • Suggest position changes that will improve baby's latch and your comfort as needed

    • Examine your baby's mouth to assess oral motor function

    • Provide you with a personalized care plan that addresses your goals and assessments made during our session

    Our session also includes a follow up email/ call where I will check in on any progress or concerns that may be occurring.

  • Our virtual consultation is typically a 90 min video appointment.

    During our session, I will listen carefully to your concerns and address any feeding issues you may be facing. You’ll have the time and space to be heard, understood, and to ask any questions you might have.

    I will take a full health history for mama (and baby), noting recent pregnancy, birth, and any previous breastfeeding/ lactation history.

    During our session, I will:

    • Observe your baby feeding at the breast/ bottle

    • Suggest position changes that will improve baby's latch and your comfort as needed

    • Provide you with a personalized care plan that addresses your goals and assessments made during our session

    Our session also includes a follow up email/ call where I will check in on any progress or concerns that may be occurring.

As your lactation consultant, I will work closely with you

and your baby to create a nurturing and sustainable plan

that supports your journey and success.